The Kokerabuki roof of the Kinkakuji Temple

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The Kokerabuki roof of the Kinkakuji Temple
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The Kokerabuki roof of the Kinkakuji Temple Kokerabuki means what has covered the Itaya solution with what diminished the lumber used as the materials of a roof thinly, and removed it. In the case of the Kinkakuji Temple, also stick many things which diminished the tree of Chamaecyparis pisifera'Sawara' thinly to raw material. The roof is made. Though it was regrettable, snow solved completely the roof of the way where a day hits, the roof by the side of shade of one of the two is still white, and snow remains. This contrast just like dual personality was interesting. It is - although the roof of this white snow must have been photographed in fact.